Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Movin' and Shakin

I'm just going to keep posting things here as if someone actually reads them.

This past weekend was pretty eventful. Andy Kindler came to the lakeshore and did some comedy. Sunday was a test though. Pushing the limits of photography to new highs (or new lows) Testing out a few new tactics to make the picture go POP.

@9 am (which was really 8 b/c time 'sprung' forward) I shot a local comedy troop called 'Honorary Degree' then as soon as we wrapped I shot some glamor photo's for Julia. I think they turned out quite nicely. These photo's will be published in the "2010 Fashion Look Book" sponsored by Capitol Models LLC.

More to follow... Ill post photo's of Honorary Degree as soon as I have them shopped.... AND NOT A MOMENT LATER!

over and out
