Wednesday, December 7, 2011

GONZO CHICAGO: Chicago in 2011, or, "Why We Love Our Live Music S...

Good friend of mine compiled a SWEET 30 min vid of all the shows he's covered this year. check it out, quiet the smorgasbord!!

Gonzo Chicago

GONZO CHICAGO: Chicago in 2011, or, "Why We Love Our Live Music S...: "Cast" in order of appearance : Bad Drugs John Bellows Ed Schrader's Music Beat Titus Andronicus Warhammer 48K Wume Tyler Jon Tyle...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2011 Wedding Season Fav's

Hey Ya'll,
I finally finished putting together a few of my favorite shots from this years wedding "season" . Enjoy!
As always, let me know what you think, I some more criticism. (aside from the blatantly obvious)


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Riding with MAX

Did a few shots of my buddy and his bike. Its refreshing to meet some one as passionate about these motorcycle as he.
More to come soon'ish...

Can you dig it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Karaoke @ MC Restaurant on Ashland and Blackhawk!

Come Sing as I host. I'll be taking photos too!

Packard plant photo's

Ok, I've been dragging my heals on the blog thing and on the photos from my EPIC journey to Detroit. Here's a one nice booger, i'll put a gallery up soon!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Gonzo Chicago benefit show!!! w/ Photo booth

Whats up blogger's! I'm going to do two posts back to back...OMG!

My good friend John Yingling of Gonzo Chicago is currently running a Indigogo campaign right now and needs your support. You can watch his video and what not for his whole story but whats really amazing is the support he's received so far. Several bands have rep'ed him since the launch of his campaign Some have promised to throw a show for him upon the completion of his goal and some are having a benefit show for him tomorrow night to help raise awareness and funds!

Here is the face book page for the event. I'll be taking photo's all over the place but also on a small back ground. The images will be posted in a gallery for all attendees to see!

It's taking place at Record Breakers above Reggie's.
2105 South State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616
(312) 949-0125

Show starts @ 7:00Pm and there's a suggested donation of $5.00 but your welcome to donate more (obviously).

It should be MEGA DOPE and you should all come....


Now you can Etsy with me!

Hello friends.
I've decided to go out on a limb here and sell some of my work. This will be the first time I've ever sold my art photography so I'm a little anxious about the out come. The feeling of selling your work in the ad word is pretty fulfilling however it's typically a photo of somehting someone has specifically requested, or event photo's, or wedding photo's. These photo's are mine. My eye, my art.
Take a moment to check out my Etsy and see whats available. Most of the photos in my gallery "Placid Points in Phase" are available for purchase, I just hadn't put them all up yet... So if you see one in the gallery that's not on the Etsy yet, let me know and I'll put it up for you. AND @ a discount price!

Thanks for tuning in!

Also, Special thanks to my 5 new friends! thanks for following my junk!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Treasure Town Art Show 3.26.11 Photo Gallery

It took me a week to get it all together (and it's still not ALL together) but the photo gallery from the treasure town art show is finally live. There are 2 more links that need to be activated. (those being for other artists works and random photo's around the space).

Please take a moment click over to the gallery and browse through the images. If you see something you just MUST absolutely have, contact me and maybe we can work something out.
Holla Holla!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Treasure Town Art Show- Success!

This weekends art show was a total success. Lots of people came out to see and experience the creativity. The exhibition included everything from pencil drawings to Paintings and crude noise art to a wild video projection show. The whole experience was really phenomenal. My photo booth attracted a lot of subjects and we turned out some really cool photo's.

I also had a pretty solid response to my photographs on display. A lot of people were pretty pleased with them, and i had a few requests for showing my work in other places as well as photographing for a few people.

All in all, I'm very excited and can't wait to do more.
Please check back real soon with a link for the photo's from the night.

Here's a little teaser for you from the photo booth!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

TTV Photobooth @ Treasure Town Art Show This Sat March 26th

Hi All! (2 followers)

I'm very excited to announce that i'll be showing some of my photography as well as photographing the experience that is ART! Treasure Town in Chicago will be hosting an Art Show this Saturday March 26th in the event space.

Come and experience an event like no other. The space will be transformed into the living breathing art that is it's own entity, existing only for the moments you are there to embrace it . Occupied by object and person. The life of the space will be the conduit for the art that is displayed.

I invite you to be a part of the art. I'll be photographing exclusively with my TTV (through the viewfinder) apparatus. The photographs will be featured in a larger work I'm crunching away at every so steadily . Below are a few examples of some of my TTV photography. It's nothing new in concept or execution but holds a certain reminiscent nostalgia that I personally enjoy. The Challenge in capturing the perfect image is supremely rewarding and I hope to share that in execution and exhibition at the Treasure Town art event.

Treasure Town Address

Blue line Pulaski Stop is less than a block away and can be seen from the front door.

Hope to see you there!