Friday, April 22, 2011

Gonzo Chicago benefit show!!! w/ Photo booth

Whats up blogger's! I'm going to do two posts back to back...OMG!

My good friend John Yingling of Gonzo Chicago is currently running a Indigogo campaign right now and needs your support. You can watch his video and what not for his whole story but whats really amazing is the support he's received so far. Several bands have rep'ed him since the launch of his campaign Some have promised to throw a show for him upon the completion of his goal and some are having a benefit show for him tomorrow night to help raise awareness and funds!

Here is the face book page for the event. I'll be taking photo's all over the place but also on a small back ground. The images will be posted in a gallery for all attendees to see!

It's taking place at Record Breakers above Reggie's.
2105 South State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616
(312) 949-0125

Show starts @ 7:00Pm and there's a suggested donation of $5.00 but your welcome to donate more (obviously).

It should be MEGA DOPE and you should all come....


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